Patent Validity/Invalidity Searching- How it is Done

Ensemble IP is one of the top firms throughout the world for a variety of patent searching solutions. It offers patent invalidity searching along with intellectual property patents at the same time. Ensemble IP offers round the clock assistance along with high-quality results and white glove service in tandem with a search methodology which is highly transparent. The firm offers relevant art identification that is totally clear and transparent while ensuring manual library and native language searching as well.

With regard to patent invalidity searches, Ensemble IP works with the most powerful searching tools along with time-tested techniques for uncovering previous art. Physical and digital libraries are searched while full-text searches are implemented in a total of 6 languages. There is always an attempt towards utilization of the very best commercial patent searching software as well. The well-known patent searching systems that are AI-driven, are tested continuously for supporting findings by human analysts. Ensemble IP forays beyond conventional methods of searching and machine-based translations. This covers manual searching across libraries for product catalogs, obscure journals, theses and dissertations alike. There is native language searching done for non-traditional and traditional non-patent and patent literature sources in-country. There is also primary research done along with legwork for validation of dates of publication and release.

This is followed up by uncovering documents that are available publicly but next to impossible to unearth. All approaches are customized on the basis of client needs above all else. From defending or asserting infringement claims to creating IPR (Inter Partes Review) submissions or even analyzing portfolio strength, the firm adopts a unique approach which ensures that client needs are backed up by the right blueprint. Company leadership possesses 100+ years of collective experience in building contemporary patent searching frameworks. They are pioneers of multiple search tools, manual searching across libraries and also full-text native language searches. Intellectual property patents are also covered for clients at the same time. The leadership has backed a major chunk of the litigation firms which are working in IP Law and Business along with almost 2/3rds of the foremost patent law firms that have been identified clearly by the Intellectual Property Magazine. This also covers 1/3rd of organizations given U.S. patents along with the USPTO for conducting searches on their behalf.
