Stress is a physical reaction of our body, formed by different defense and survival mechanisms to face a situation that is perceived as threatening or tense.
The most common symptoms are the acceleration of the heart rhythm, the dilation of the pupils, a sweating without the presence of heat, nerves, feeling of restlessness and anxiety.
Stress is a natural and necessary response to the survival of the individual, however today, stress appears continuously, part of our daily lives, even though our life is not in danger.
Modern life confronts us with stressful situations every day, for example, a boss who torments us eight hours a day, seven days a week, discussions with our relatives, infinite traffic jams, insidious diseases, social problems, economic troubles, a schedule adjusted and timed, concerns about the future and a thousand daily commitments that put pressure on our chest.
Massage is an ideal tool to regulate stress and anxiety states.
In this small tutorial we will advance a sample of our anti-stress massage course.
With this course you will not only help and take care of your loved ones, you can also make this your profession and enjoy a stress-free job and help people who are not so lucky.